MY Y FACTORS: “Adventure and Nature & Sustainability”
Y WISDOM: “Always travel with a first aid kit & know how to get in touch with a local doctor. Take lots of photos so you can recall everywhere you have been.”
Y WISHLIST: “I’d love to visit Antarctica, Norway, and head back to explore more of Africa, particularly Tanzania.”
As husband to Yvonne, and with four decades of accounting practice experience under his belt, it only seems logical that Allan would join Y Travel as Co-Director and chief 'number cruncher' when the business was founded in 2020. Overseeing the finances and administration of the company, Allan has finally found a way to combine his business expertise with his love of travel. Life Before Yvonne (LBY) may be a distant memory for Allan, but his fondness for travelling the world started well before their serendipitous meeting. In joining forces with his jet-setting wife, they have created a life filled with numerous trips around the globe as a couple, as a family, and with extended family and friends.
If he were ever able to convince Yvonne to take 6 months off work (highly unlikely!), Allan would love to return to Africa and embark on an extended safari. From early morning animal sightings in the pink glow of sunrise to the evening tradition of sharing a 'sundowner' and stories from each day’s adventures with fellow travellers, the idea of an unhurried journey where every moment is different, and you never quite know what is around the next turn is incredibly alluring. Allan adores being immersed in nature and is passionate about the importance of sustaining its beauty for generations to come.
Allan’s professional acumen is unparalleled, seamlessly merging his financial expertise with his passion for travel. His meticulous attention to detail ensures that the financial aspects of Y Travel run like a well-oiled machine, while his love for exploration infuses the company's ethos with a spirit of adventure. His ability to balance the books with a sense of wanderlust makes him not only an essential part of the Y Travel team but also a driving force behind its success.
Contact Allan: allanv@ytravel.world