Explora Lodges: Where Extraordinary Experiences Await Discerning Travellers

For travelers who seek more than the ordinary, who crave authentic and transformative experiences, Explora Lodges is where the extraordinary begins. Explora, renowned for its unwavering commitment to exploration, invites the world's most discerning travelers to embark on a journey like no other. Born from an impulse, Explora are a company of lodges and explorations, present in the most remote corners of South America, with the purpose of deeply knowing each territory and thus promoting its conservation and care.

With signature destinations such as Torres del Paine - Chile, Easter Island - Chile, Atacama - Chile / Bolivia, Sacred Valley & Machu Picchu - Peru, you are never short of finding an out of this world South American experience when travelling to Explora.

A Gateway to Exploration

Explora Lodges are not mere accommodations; they are gateways to exploration. Giving travellers the option to either book a stay at one of their unique lodges for a rich and experiential visit, or opt for one of their thoughtfully curated itineraries to embark on a deeply immersive Explora Expedition through the destination of your choice. Nestled in some of the world's most breathtaking and remote locations, these lodges serve as launching pads for unforgettable adventures, travelling via van, bike or hike for a true exploration like no other. Whether you find yourself amidst the wilds of Patagonia, the wonders of the Atacama Desert, or the mystical landscapes of Easter Island, Explora is your trusted companion on a quest for the remarkable.

Where Luxury Meets Purposeful Travel

Discerning travellers demand more than just opulence; they seek meaning in every moment. Explora understands this quest for purposeful travel. Their lodges are masterpieces of design, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's woven into the very fabric of every Explora experience.

Atacama and Uyuni Journey

Exceptional Locations for Extraordinary Encounters

Explora Lodges are strategically situated in remote, pristine locations, away from the tourist crowds. Here, it's not about ticking off landmarks; it's about immersing yourself in the essence of the place. From stargazing in the clear skies of the Atacama Desert to witnessing the majesty of Torres del Paine in Patagonia, each moment is an encounter with the extraordinary.

Guided by Experts

Explora's commitment to excellence extends to its team of passionate experts. Knowledgeable guides accompany you on every adventure, ensuring you gain a deeper understanding of the landscapes, cultures, and histories you encounter. These guides are more than just experts; they are storytellers, sharing the tales of the places you explore.

Disconnect to Reconnect

In a world increasingly connected, Explora Lodges offer the luxury of disconnection. There are no TVs in your room, no distractions to pull you away from the moment. Instead, you'll find yourself reconnecting with nature, with yourself, and with the fellow travelers who share your journey.

Explora El Chalten - Patagonia

The Art of Exploration

Explora isn't just about ticking off bucket list items; it's about the art of exploration. Every day presents new opportunities for discovery. Whether it's hiking to hidden waterfalls, riding horseback through remote valleys, or indulging in wellness experiences, Explora ensures that your journey is tailored to your desires.

Why Discerning Travelers Choose Explora

  • Authenticity: Explora offers genuine and immersive experiences, allowing travelers to connect with the essence of each destination.

  • Sustainability: A commitment to preserving the environment and supporting local communities is at the core of every Explora journey.

  • Expertise: Knowledgeable guides and passionate staff ensure that every moment of your journey is enriched with insights and stories.

  • Disconnection: Explora provides a rare chance to disconnect from the noise of everyday life and reconnect with the world around you.

For the world's most discerning travelers, Explora Lodges beckon—an invitation to embark on a journey of purposeful exploration, where every moment is an encounter with the extraordinary. This is where luxury finds meaning, and where wanderers find their truest selves.

Uyuni Salt Flat Expedition


Discovering the Hidden Treasures of Belmond


Nihi Sumba: Embracing their Y on the Edge of Wildness.