Our Future Travel Dreams

Recently we let you in on our travel plans for 2022 - those trips we’re about 99% sure we can pull off in the next 12 months. This time though, we’re bringing you our pie-in-the-sky travel dreams; the adventures that really ignite our wanderlust, that we hope beyond hope we’ll take one day! Join us as we take you on a whirlwind tour of our collective future travels.


One of our biggest future travel plans is to revisit Southern Africa in the next five years with our grandkids and take them on a safari to experience the thrill of wildlife in its natural habitat. 

We also hope to revisit Italy & the United Kingdom. Italy for its amazing diversity of regions - from Sicily to the Dolomites it has everything to offer, including its beautiful culture, delicious cuisines and wines, rich history, and its warm and welcoming people.

And to the UK to visit my cousins in London and to catch up on a few restaurants and live theatre shows, and to visit Wimbledon one last time! And if time permits, we’d love to go on a Mediterranean cruise again!


Where do I start? How about winter skiing in the Dolomites in Italy and Zermatt in Switzerland. Or winter skiing at Park City in Utah. For some more summery experiences, I’d love to go hiking in the Dolomites and explore Puglia and surrounding seaside towns in Italy. A cruise involving either/both Russia and Scandinavia is high on the wish list too! 


Our future travel plan is simply to travel as much and as long as our money and health allow us. Any trip away with my husband is a good one, no matter where we go, they are all adventures. My future dream is to visit Africa, and hopefully it’s not an unattainable one!

Taking his kids & grandkids on Safari is just one of Rob’s travel dreams.


Easy! Cruising on the high seas, adventuring through Africa, and discovering more of our own sunburnt country. 


Patagonia – Tony and I were booked to go in November 2019, but had to cancel, so we would really like to do this at some stage. Back to Europe of course – The usual, France & Italy, but I would also like to spend some time in Greece & Croatia, which I do not know much about. A road trip down the East coast of America sounds pretty dreamy to me, too. 


Anywhere in Italy, but specifically Puglia. After curating so many gorgeous itineraries for my clients over the years I too need to go there and experience it all. Then there’s Ireland – somewhere I’ve always been fascinated in visiting. The accent had me at hello yet it’s the landscape, the castles, the open spaces, and the history that are pulling me there. I would love to jump in a car and explore all regions…. with the family of course.

The accent, the landscape, the castles, the open spaces & the history are just a few of the reasons Dana is dreaming of Ireland.


Vanlife in Australia: give me a designer van with all the bells and whistles and I will hit the road for months with my partner (solar power, hot water shower, BBQ, large bed, instaworthy decor) and discover this beautiful country of ours. Then we can go offshore and do the same. Also, on the other end of the spectrum, would love to cruise on a sailing boat in exotic places that I am yet to experience (Caribbeans, Maldives, Pacific islands). Return to Vail/Beaver Creek for a family ski trip (it is where I met my partner 33 years ago, and we try to head there every 3-4 years). Hike the Dolomites and Swiss Alps.


I haven’t dreamed up all the details yet but I can easily tell you the destinations I’m desperate to visit: Antarctica, Norway/Sweden, lots of Africa, and all of Italy. 


For starters, I want to get to Tasmania early in the year. I have family there that I haven’t seen for so long and miss them so much. Definitely a travel dream I’m pretty sure I can make come true! 

My next dream for 2022 is to do with another prize I recently won!! I know, I’m very lucky and do not take it for granted. So sometime in 2022 I will want to get to Kamalaya, the beautiful health retreat in Koh Samui, Thailand. I won a 3-night wellness program and right about now, there is no dream I wish to fulfill more than a wellness break from the last couple of years. Don’t tell my boss, but I definitely plan to extend it! 

I can’t really explain it, but I have always dreamed of going to Canada. It’s not that I am a hugely outdoorsy person, but the thought of the trees there, the nature, the wildlife just speaks to me so unexpectedly. 

Leora is determined to get to Kamalaya health retreat in Thailand to complete a much needed wellness program.


Where do I start? The reason I left the pharmaceutical industry 23 years ago was for my absolute passion for travel and the need to explore the world. I have been so privileged over the past 20 plus years to be able to do just that, and to travel to many parts of the globe. My future travel dreams are to focus on some regions that I have yet to discover.

That includes heading back to the African continent to explore a few of the countries I am yet to visit - Namibia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe just to name a few - spending endless days on the back of a 4WD, on safari.

Pre-COVID I had a women’s empowerment tour to Uganda booked with my friend, and author, Suzy Zail, who wrote about the plight of young girls in Uganda. We had planned the most empowering 10 day trip for 10 women to Uganda in May 2020. We were heading back to meet some of the girls Suzy wrote about in her book, discover their hidden secrets, their battles in life, and immerse ourselves in local culture, while giving back to these young girls in need. The second half of our tour was dedicated to adventure, nature and the unexpected. Safari drives, hikes to visit local tribes, boat trips on the Nile, and ending with the biggest thrill of all, and a trek to the Gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

Sadly, it was yet another cancelled trip but we still believe it’s a powerful trip that must go ahead. Naturally, my top travel dream is to take this group of women to Uganda in 2023 and uncover all of our 8 Y Factors during this 10 day journey through this incredible country.

I’m also fantasising about an expedition cruise in the polar regions - cruising through the Arctic region of Svalbard and Greenland to get up close to polar bears, to plunge into the ice cold water in a dry suit, to sea-kayak alongside icebergs.

I want to camp in Antartica with White Desert in their luxury pods, trek through snow caves, climb mountains with ice pick in hand, journey to the South Pole and hang with 28,000 emperor penguins.

I hope to visit Scotland - for its raw beauty, its history, its culture, its whiskey and its boundless golf courses (for my men that is). Personally, always fancied a man in a kilt….so time to discover what’s that all about?! ;)

But really my list goes on and on. Just get me on a plane to discover this great world of ours!

One of Yvonne’s many travel dreams - an expedition through the Arctic - looks out of this world!


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Our 2022 Travel Plans